Drum Making Workshop

Drums and Percussion Instrument Making

Under our guidance and expert tuition students will make professional quality drums from traditional hand carved shells to drums and instruments created from recycled materials.

Two to three days are filled with the creation by student of the schools very own African drums and percussion instruments. Between students we see an environment full of encouragement and collaboration, laughter and excitement as they embark on this creative cultural journey. From personal experience we know that when students create their own instruments they develop a great sense of pride in they work and on completion they feel a deep sense of personal satisfaction in their achievement, “great for self esteem”.

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All top quality materials and recycled materials are used and a variety of traditional small, medium & large drum shells are available, Djembe drums, and Dun Duns (base drums).


Thank you so much Chinta and the Rhythm Connect team for facilitating the three day workshop in Bingara for our young people. It was great for them to learn the whole process of making their own djembe drum, and then learning how to play it. I was a fantastic experience and is still the talk of the town. Thank you for giving the young people of Bingara the opportunity to use their imagination and learn about the power of rhythm. This program has helped them develop a sense of belonging and has allowed them to get a taste of cultural awareness. I look forward to working with you in the future.

Kimberly Apthorpe|Social Services & Youth Services| Gwydir Shire Council|

Dun Duns made from recycled materials